Yay, the Visa's new shoes arrived and have been mounted. Not cheap, but it wasn't worth risking a blowout while out having adventures. We got the Maxxis M8008s.
Follow us in our adventures as we travel and camp with our Gulf Stream Visa 23BHD camper.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
VA - Richmond Americamps KOA
No pics since it was dark when we arrived and we hit the road early.
Tire Troubles
So, anyway, we determined that it was safe to continue home, but we researched and ordered new, better tires toot sweet. We have 4 Maxxis M8008s on order. It will be nice to be running on radials.
We both decided not to even bother replacing them under warranty since they would more than likely just give us direct replacements of the same quality (or lack thereof!)
FL - Disney's Fort Wilderness
We love riding our bikes all over. The boys got in some fishing, Theo and I did some swimming, and Kansas LOVED the dog park.
Mid week my parents joined us in their Bounder, they had a young bunk mate for the remainder if the week and even did some puppy sitting one night!
I did a live trip report while we were there for the fills on the Camping board on the DISboards, so if anyone wants a day by day account of the trip with pics: Live Trip Report
Otherwise, I'll attach a few of the highlights from just the Fort here on the blog :)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
GA - Jacksonville North KOA.
A nice final night en route to Mickeys house. We got in early enough for Theo to have a swim (he was thrilled the pool was open!) and for Kansas to play at the dog park. We also enjoyed dinner on our little patio at our site. Not being used to fancy camping, I had to go ask if the patio and table and chairs were for our use! The staff here was so nice, and Ginny in the office remembered my name from hours earlier when I checked us in...wonderful southern hospitality! Theo enjoyed the game room, which was real games including foosball. I think hr would have been happy staying here a few more days! But alas, we had our waffles in the morning and shoved off.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
WV - Falling Waters Campsite
NC - Smithfield/Raleigh North KOA
Another single overnight here, but here we get the benefit of visiting Kevin's sister and brother in law who live in Raleigh! We got in early and had a great visit. Kansas and Theo also got a chance to stretch their legs and took advantage of the dog park and people park. And Theo and Uncle Pee Wee played a little hoops! Waffles in the morning at the camp office and we were on our way.